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t.removeAttr(“style”) : t.attr(“style”, i) }) } } i(); var d = /(outer)/.test(e) ? o[e](a.includeMargin) : o[e](); return n(), d } }) }), function (s) { var o = [], r = !1, l = !1, d = { interval: 250, force_process: !1 }, c = s(window), u = []; function h() { l = !1; for (var e = 0, t = o.length; e < t; e++) { var i = (a = o[e], s(a).filter(function () { return s(this).is(":appeared") })); if (i.trigger("appear", [i]), u[e]) { var n = u[e].not(i); n.trigger("disappear", [n]) } u[e] = i } var a } s.expr[":"].appeared = function (e) { var t = s(e); if (!t.is(":visible")) return !1; var i = c.scrollLeft(), n = c.scrollTop(), a = t.offset(), o = a.left, r = a.top; return r + t.height() >= n && r – (t.data(“appear-top-offset”) “http://www.filgoal.com/” 0) <= n + c.height() && o + t.width() >= i && o – (t.data(“appear-left-offset”) “http://www.filgoal.com/” 0) <= i + c.width() }, s.fn.extend({ appear: function (e) { var t, i = s.extend({}, d, e "http://www.filgoal.com/" {}), n = this.selector "http://www.filgoal.com/" this; if (!r) { var a = function () { l "http://www.filgoal.com/" (l = !0, setTimeout(h, i.interval)) }; s(window).scroll(a).resize(a), r = !0 } return i.force_process && setTimeout(h, i.interval), t = n, o.push(t), u.push(), s(n) } }), s.extend({ force_appear: function () { return !!r && (h(), !0) } }) }("undefined" != typeof module ? 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M.calWidth(!1) < p && (o.find(".lSAction").hide(), o.addClass("slide_empty")) : h <= c.item && (o.find(".lSAction").hide(), o.addClass("slide_empty")), o.find(".lSAction a").on(t.click, function (e) { return e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, "lSPrev" === _(this).attr("class") ? !0 === c.rtl ? (u.goToNextSlide(), c.onNextClicked.call(this, u)) : (u.goToPrevSlide(), c.onPrevClicked.call(this, u)) : !0 === c.rtl ? (u.goToPrevSlide(), c.onPrevClicked.call(this, u)) : (u.goToNextSlide(), c.onNextClicked.call(this, u)), !1 })) }, initialStyle: function () { var l = this; "fade" === c.mode && (c.autoWidth = !1, c.slideEndAnimation = !1), c.auto && (c.slideEndAnimation = !1), c.autoWidth && (c.slideMove = 1, c.item = 1), c.loop && (c.slideMove = 1, c.freeMove = !1), c.onBeforeStart.call(this, u), M.chbreakpoint(), u.addClass("lightSlider").wrap("http://www.filgoal.com/"), g = u.parent(".lSSlideWrapper"), !0 === c.rtl && g.parent().addClass("lSrtl"), c.vertical ? (g.parent().addClass("vertical"), p = c.verticalHeight, g.css("height", p + "px")) : p = u.outerWidth(), d.addClass("lslide"), !0 === c.loop && "slide" === c.mode && (M.calSW(), M.clone = function () { if (M.calWidth(!0) > p) { for (var e = 0, t = 0, i = 0; i < d.length && (t++, !((e += parseInt(u.find(".lslide").eq(i).width()) + c.slideMargin) >= p + c.slideMargin)); i++); var n = !0 === c.autoWidth ? t : c.item; if (n < u.find(".clone.left").length) for (var a = 0; a < u.find(".clone.left").length - n; a++)d.eq(a).remove(); if (n < u.find(".clone.right").length) for (var o = d.length - 1; o > d.length – 1 – u.find(“.clone.right”).length; o–)m–, d.eq(o).remove(); for (var r = u.find(“.clone.right”).length; r < n; r++)u.find(".lslide").eq(r).clone().removeClass("lslide").addClass("clone right").appendTo(u), m++; for (var s = u.find(".lslide").length - u.find(".clone.left").length; s > u.find(“.lslide”).length – n; s–)u.find(“.lslide”).eq(s – 1).clone().removeClass(“lslide”).addClass(“clone left”).prependTo(u); d = u.children().not(“.album_thumb_ad”) } else d.hasClass(“clone”) && (u.find(“.clone”).remove(), l.move(u, 0)) }, M.clone()), M.sSW = function () { h = d.length, !0 === c.rtl && !1 === c.vertical && (w = “margin-left”), !1 === c.autoWidth && d.css(v, S + “px”), d.css(w, c.slideMargin + “px”), f = M.calWidth(!1), u.css(v, f + “px”), !0 === c.loop && “slide” === c.mode && !1 === n && (m = u.find(“.clone.left”).length) }, M.calL = function () { d = u.children().not(“.album_thumb_ad”), h = d.length }, this.doCss() && g.addClass(“usingCss”), M.calL(), “slide” === c.mode ? (M.calSW(), M.sSW(), !0 === c.loop && (y = l.slideValue(), this.move(u, y)), !1 === c.vertical && this.setHeight(u, !1)) : (this.setHeight(u, !0), u.addClass(“lSFade”), this.doCss() “http://www.filgoal.com/” (d.fadeOut(0), d.eq(m).fadeIn(0))), !0 === c.loop && “slide” === c.mode ? d.eq(m).addClass(“active”) : d.first().addClass(“active”) }, pager: function () { var d = this; if (M.createPager = function () { x = (p – (c.thumbItem * c.thumbMargin – c.thumbMargin)) / c.thumbItem; var e = g.find(“.lslide”), t = g.find(“.lslide”).length, i = 0, n = “http://www.filgoal.com/”, a = 0; for (i = 0; i < t; i++) { "slide" === c.mode && (c.autoWidth ? a += (parseInt(e.eq(i).width()) + c.slideMargin) * c.slideMove : a = i * ((S + c.slideMargin) * c.slideMove)); var o = e.eq(i * c.slideMove).attr("data-thumb"); if (!0 === c.gallery ? n += '
‘ : n += ‘
“, “slide” === c.mode && a >= f – p – c.slideMargin) { i += 1; var r = 2; c.autoWidth && (n += ‘
“, r = 1), i < r ? (n = null, g.parent().addClass("noPager")) : g.parent().removeClass("noPager"); break } } var s = g.parent(); s.find(".lSPager").html(n), !0 === c.gallery && (!0 === c.vertical && s.find(".lSPager").css("width", c.vThumbWidth + "px"), b = i * (c.thumbMargin + x) + .5, s.find(".lSPager").css({ property: b + "px", "transition-duration": c.speed + "ms" }), !0 === c.vertical && g.parent().css("padding-right", c.vThumbWidth + c.galleryMargin + "px"), s.find(".lSPager").css(v, b + "px")); var l = s.find(".lSPager").find("li"); l.first().addClass("active"), l.on("click", function () { return !0 === c.loop && "slide" === c.mode ? m += l.index(this) - s.find(".lSPager").find("li.active").index() : m = l.index(this), u.mode(!1), !0 === c.gallery && (d.slideThumb(), e.eq(s.find(".lSPager").find("li.active").index()).click()), !1 }) }, c.pager) { var e = "lSpg"; c.gallery && (e = "lSGallery"), g.after("http://www.filgoal.com/"); var t = c.vertical ? "margin-left" : "margin-top"; g.parent().find(".lSPager").css(t, c.galleryMargin + "px"), M.createPager() } setTimeout(function () { M.init() }, 0) }, setHeight: function (n, a) { var o = null, e = this; o = c.loop ? n.children(".lslide ").first() : n.children().not(".album_thumb_ad").first(); var t = function () { var e = o.outerHeight(), t = 0, i = e; a && (e = 0, t = 100 * i / p), n.css({ height: e + "px", "padding-bottom": t + "%" }) }; t(), o.find("img").length ? o.find("img")[0].complete ? (t(), C "http://www.filgoal.com/" e.auto()) : o.find("img").load(function () { setTimeout(function () { t(), C "http://www.filgoal.com/" e.auto() }, 100) }) : C "http://www.filgoal.com/" e.auto() }, active: function (e, t) { this.doCss() && "fade" === c.mode && g.addClass("on"); var i, n, a = 0; m * c.slideMove < h ? (e.removeClass("active"), this.doCss() "http://www.filgoal.com/" "fade" !== c.mode "http://www.filgoal.com/" !1 !== t "http://www.filgoal.com/" e.fadeOut(c.speed), a = !0 === t ? m : m * c.slideMove, !0 === t && (n = (i = e.length) - 1, i <= a + 1 && (a = n)), !0 === c.loop && "slide" === c.mode && (a = !0 === t ? m - u.find(".clone.left").length : m * c.slideMove, !0 === t && (n = (i = e.length) - 1, a + 1 === i ? a = n : i < a + 1 && (a = 0))), this.doCss() "http://www.filgoal.com/" "fade" !== c.mode "http://www.filgoal.com/" !1 !== t "http://www.filgoal.com/" e.eq(a).fadeIn(c.speed), e.eq(a).addClass("active")) : (e.removeClass("active"), e.eq(e.length - 1).addClass("active"), this.doCss() "http://www.filgoal.com/" "fade" !== c.mode "http://www.filgoal.com/" !1 !== t "http://www.filgoal.com/" (e.fadeOut(c.speed), e.eq(a).fadeIn(c.speed))) }, move: function (e, t, i) { !0 === c.rtl && (t = -t), this.doCss() ? !0 === c.vertical ? e.css({ transform: "translate3d(0px, " + -t + "px, 0px)", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(0px, " + -t + "px, 0px)" }) : e.css({ transform: "translate3d(" + -t + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + -t + "px, 0px, 0px)" }) : !0 === c.vertical ? e.css("position", "relative").animate({ top: -t + "px" }, c.speed, c.easing) : e.css("position", "relative").animate({ left: -t + "px" }, c.speed, c.easing); var n = g.parent().find(".lSPager").find("li"); this.active(n, !0), clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(function () { _(".lglazy").isInViewport({ tolerance: -50, viewport: o }).run(function () { _(this).activeView("lglazy") }) }, c.speed + 200) }, fade: function () { this.active(d, !1); var e = g.parent().find(".lSPager").find("li"); this.active(e, !0) }, slide: function () { var e = this; M.calSlide = function () { p < f && (y = e.slideValue(), e.active(d, !1), y > f – p – c.slideMargin ? y = f – p – c.slideMargin : y < 0 && (y = 0), e.move(u, y), !0 === c.loop && "slide" === c.mode && (m >= h – u.find(“.clone.left”).length / c.slideMove && e.resetSlide(u.find(“.clone.left”).length), 0 === m && e.resetSlide(g.find(“.lslide”).length))) }, M.calSlide() }, resetSlide: function (e) { var t = this; o.find(“.lSAction a”).addClass(“disabled”), setTimeout(function () { m = e, g.css(“transition-duration”, “0ms”), y = t.slideValue(), t.active(d, !1), i.move(u, y), setTimeout(function () { g.css(“transition-duration”, c.speed + “ms”), o.find(“.lSAction a”).removeClass(“disabled”) }, 50) }, c.speed + 100) }, slideValue: function () { var e = 0; if (!1 === c.autoWidth) e = m * ((S + c.slideMargin) * c.slideMove); else for (var t = e = 0; t < m; t++)e += parseInt(d.eq(t).width()) + c.slideMargin; return e }, slideThumb: function () { var e; switch (c.currentPagerPosition) { case "left": e = 0; break; case "middle": e = p / 2 - x / 2; break; case "right": e = p - x }var t = m - u.find(".clone.left").length, i = g.parent().find(".lSPager"); "slide" === c.mode && !0 === c.loop && (t >= i.children().length ? t = 0 : t < 0 && (t = i.children().length)); var n = t * (x + c.thumbMargin) - e; b < n + p && (n = b - p - c.thumbMargin), n < 0 && (n = 0), this.move(i, n) }, auto: function () { c.auto && (clearInterval(C), C = setInterval(function () { u.goToNextSlide() }, c.pause)) }, pauseOnHover: function () { var e = this; c.auto && c.pauseOnHover && (g.on("mouseenter", function () { _(this).addClass("ls-hover"), u.pause(), c.auto = !0 }), g.on("mouseleave", function () { _(this).removeClass("ls-hover"), g.find(".lightSlider").hasClass("lsGrabbing") "http://www.filgoal.com/" e.auto() })) }, touchMove: function (e, t) { if (g.css("transition-duration", "0ms"), "slide" === c.mode) { var i = y - (e - t); if (i >= f – p – c.slideMargin) if (!1 === c.freeMove) i = f – p – c.slideMargin; else { var n = f – p – c.slideMargin; i = n + (i – n) / 5 } else i < 0 && (!1 === c.freeMove ? i = 0 : i /= 5); this.move(u, i) } }, touchEnd: function (e) { if (g.css("transition-duration", c.speed + "ms"), "slide" === c.mode) { var o = !1, t = !0; !0 === c.rtl && (e = -e), (y -= e) > f – p – c.slideMargin ? (y = f – p – c.slideMargin, !1 === c.autoWidth && (o = !0)) : y < 0 && (y = 0); var i = function (e) { var t = 0; if (o "http://www.filgoal.com/" e && (t = 1), c.autoWidth) for (var i = 0, n = 0; n < d.length && (i += parseInt(d.eq(n).width()) + c.slideMargin, m = n + t, !(y <= i)); n++); else { var a = y / ((S + c.slideMargin) * c.slideMove); m = parseInt(a) + t, y >= f – p – c.slideMargin && a % 1 != 0 && m++ } }; e >= c.swipeThreshold ? (i(!1), t = !1) : e <= -c.swipeThreshold && (i(!0), t = !1), u.mode(t), this.slideThumb() } else e >= c.swipeThreshold ? u.goToPrevSlide() : e <= -c.swipeThreshold && u.goToNextSlide() }, enableDrag: function () { var i = this; if (!T) { var n = 0, a = 0, o = !1; g.find(".lightSlider").addClass("lsGrab"), g.on("mousedown", function (e) { if (f < p && 0 !== f) return !1; "lSPrev" !== _(e.target).attr("class") && "lSNext" !== _(e.target).attr("class") && (n = !0 === c.vertical ? e.pageY : e.pageX, o = !0, e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, g.scrollLeft += 1, g.scrollLeft -= 1, g.find(".lightSlider").removeClass("lsGrab").addClass("lsGrabbing"), clearInterval(C)) }), _(window).on("mousemove", function (e) { o && (a = !0 === c.vertical ? e.pageY : e.pageX, !0 === c.rtl ? i.touchMove(n, a) : i.touchMove(a, n)) }), _(window).on("mouseup", function (e) { if (o) { g.find(".lightSlider").removeClass("lsGrabbing").addClass("lsGrab"); var t = (a = !(o = !1) === c.vertical ? e.pageY : e.pageX) - n; Math.abs(t) >= c.swipeThreshold && _(window).on(“click.ls”, function (e) { e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.stopPropagation(), _(window).off(“click.ls”) }), i.touchEnd(t) } }) } }, enableTouch: function () { var a = this; if (T) { var o = {}, r = {}; g.on(“touchstart”, function (e) { r = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0], o.pageX = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageX, o.pageY = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].pageY, clearInterval(C) }), g.on(“touchmove”, function (e) { if (f < p && 0 !== f) return !1; var t = e.originalEvent; r = t.targetTouches[0], c.rtl; var i = Math.abs(r.pageX - o.pageX), n = Math.abs(r.pageY - o.pageY); !0 === c.vertical ? (i < 3 * n && e.preventDefault(), a.touchMove(r.pageY, o.pageY)) : (n < 3 * i && e.preventDefault(), !0 === c.rtl ? a.touchMove(o.pageX, r.pageX) : a.touchMove(r.pageX, o.pageX)) }), g.on("touchend", function () { if (f < p && 0 !== f) return !1; var e; e = !0 === c.vertical ? r.pageY - o.pageY : r.pageX - o.pageX, a.touchEnd(e) }) } }, build: function () { var e = this; e.initialStyle(), this.doCss() && (!0 === c.enableTouch && e.enableTouch(), !0 === c.enableDrag && e.enableDrag()), _(window).on("focus", function () { e.auto() }), _(window).on("blur", function () { clearInterval(C) }), e.pager(), e.pauseOnHover(), e.controls(), e.keyPress() } }).build(), M.init = function () { M.chbreakpoint(), u.find(".champion").remove(), u.find(".lslide").css({ display: "block" }), !0 === c.vertical ? (p = 1 < c.item ? c.verticalHeight : d.outerHeight(), g.css("height", p + "px")) : p = g.outerWidth(), !0 === c.loop && "slide" === c.mode && M.clone(), M.calL(), "slide" === c.mode && u.removeClass("lSSlide"), "slide" === c.mode && (M.calSW(), M.sSW()), setTimeout(function () { "slide" === c.mode && u.addClass("lSSlide") }, 1e3), c.pager && M.createPager(), !0 === c.adaptiveHeight && !1 === c.vertical && u.css("height", d.eq(m).outerHeight(!0)), !1 === c.adaptiveHeight && ("slide" === c.mode ? !1 === c.vertical ? i.setHeight(u, !1) : i.auto() : i.setHeight(u, !0)), !0 === c.gallery && i.slideThumb(), "slide" === c.mode && i.slide(), !1 === c.autoWidth ? d.length <= c.item ? (u.css("margin-left", "auto"), u.find(".lslide").first().css("border-right", "none"), o.find(".lSAction").hide(), o.addClass("slide_empty")) : (o.find(".lSAction").show(), o.removeClass("slide_empty")) : M.calWidth(!1) < p && 0 !== f ? (o.find(".lSAction").hide(), u.css("margin-left", "auto"), o.addClass("slide_empty")) : (o.find(".lSAction").show(), o.removeClass("slide_empty")), 0 == c.started && (c.started = 1, _(window).trigger("resize")), o.attr("data-lightSlider", "1"), clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(function () { _(".lglazy").isInViewport({ viewport: o }).run(function () { _(this).activeView("lglazy") }) }, c.speed + 500) }, u.goToPrevSlide = function () { if (0 < m) c.onBeforePrevSlide.call(this, u, m), m--, u.mode(!1), !0 === c.gallery && i.slideThumb(); else if (!0 === c.loop) { if (c.onBeforePrevSlide.call(this, u, m), "fade" === c.mode) m = parseInt((h - 1) / c.slideMove); u.mode(!1), !0 === c.gallery && i.slideThumb() } else !0 === c.slideEndAnimation && (u.addClass("leftEnd"), setTimeout(function () { u.removeClass("leftEnd") }, 400)) }, u.goToNextSlide = function () { var e = !0; "slide" === c.mode && (e = i.slideValue() < f - p - c.slideMargin); m * c.slideMove < h - c.slideMove && e ? (c.onBeforeNextSlide.call(this, u, m), m++, u.mode(!1), !0 === c.gallery && i.slideThumb()) : !0 === c.loop ? (c.onBeforeNextSlide.call(this, u, m), m = 0, u.mode(!1), !0 === c.gallery && i.slideThumb()) : !0 === c.slideEndAnimation && (u.addClass("rightEnd"), setTimeout(function () { u.removeClass("rightEnd") }, 400)) }, u.mysetting = function () { return c }, u.mode = function (e) { !0 === c.adaptiveHeight && !1 === c.vertical && u.css("height", d.eq(m).outerHeight(!0)), !1 === n && ("slide" === c.mode ? i.doCss() && (u.addClass("lSSlide"), "http://www.filgoal.com/" !== c.speed && g.css("transition-duration", c.speed + "ms"), "http://www.filgoal.com/" !== c.cssEasing && g.css("transition-timing-function", c.cssEasing)) : i.doCss() && ("http://www.filgoal.com/" !== c.speed && u.css("transition-duration", c.speed + "ms"), "http://www.filgoal.com/" !== c.cssEasing && u.css("transition-timing-function", c.cssEasing))), e "http://www.filgoal.com/" c.onBeforeSlide.call(this, u, m), "slide" === c.mode ? i.slide() : i.fade(), g.hasClass("ls-hover") "http://www.filgoal.com/" i.auto(), setTimeout(function () { e "http://www.filgoal.com/" c.onAfterSlide.call(this, u, m) }, c.speed), n = !0 }, u.play = function () { u.goToNextSlide(), c.auto = !0, i.auto() }, u.pause = function () { c.auto = !1, clearInterval(C) }, u.refresh = function () { m = g.find(".lslide").length - c.item, M.init(), _(window).trigger("resize") }, u.getCurrentSlideCount = function () { var e = m; if (c.loop) { var t = g.find(".lslide").length, i = u.find(".clone.left").length; e = m <= i - 1 ? t + (m - i) : t + i <= m ? m - t - i : m - i } return e + 1 }, u.getTotalSlideCount = function () { return g.find(".lslide").length }, u.goToSlide = function (e) { m = c.loop ? e + u.find(".clone.left").length - 1 : e, u.mode(!1), !0 === c.gallery && i.slideThumb() }, u.destroy = function () { u.lightSlider && (u.goToPrevSlide = function () { }, u.goToNextSlide = function () { }, u.mysetting = function () { }, u.mode = function () { }, u.play = function () { }, u.pause = function () { }, u.refresh = function () { }, u.getCurrentSlideCount = function () { }, u.getTotalSlideCount = function () { }, u.goToSlide = function () { }, u.lightSlider = null, M = { init: function () { } }, o.find(".lSAction, .lSPager").remove(), u.removeClass("lightSlider lSFade lSSlide lsGrab lsGrabbing leftEnd right").removeAttr("style").unwrap().unwrap(), u.children().not(".album_thumb_ad").removeAttr("style"), d.removeClass("lslide active"), u.find(".clone").remove(), C = d = null, n = !1, m = 0) }, setTimeout(function () { c.onSliderLoad.call(this, u) }, 10), _(window).on("resize orientationchange", function (e) { setTimeout(function () { e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, M.init() }, 200) }), this } }(jQuery), $.fn.activeView = function (e) { var t, i = $(this), n = $(this)[0]; i.hasClass(e) && (i.attr("data-old-src", i.attr("src")), i.hasAttr("data-src-mobile") && i.attr("data-src-mobile").toLowerCase().match(/(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/) && (t = i.attr("data-src-mobile")), i.hasAttr("data-old-src") "http://www.filgoal.com/" i.attr("data-old-src", "/images/placeholder.jpg"), i.hasAttr("data-old-src") && i.attr("data-old-src"), i.removeClass(e).addClass("lazy-loading"), n.onload = function () { i.removeClass("lazy-loading").addClass("lazy-loaded"), imageLoaded() }, n.onerror = function () { this.src = i.attr("data-old-src"), imageLoaded() }, t && $.isMobile() ? n.src = t : i.attr("data-src").toLowerCase().match(/(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/) ? n.src = n.getAttribute("data-src") : n.src = n.getAttribute("data-old-src")) }, function (v, w) { String.prototype.hasOwnProperty("trim") "http://www.filgoal.com/" (String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^s*(.*?)s*$/, "$1") }); var t = function (e) { if (1 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof e && (e = [e]), !(e instanceof Array)) throw new SyntaxError("isInViewport: Argument(s) passed to .do/.run should be a function or an array of functions"); for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)if ("function" == typeof e[t]) for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)e[t].call(v(this[i])); else console.warn("isInViewport: Argument(s) passed to .do/.run should be a function or an array of functions"), console.warn("isInViewport: Ignoring non-function values in array and moving on"); return this }; function y(e, t) { var i = e.getBoundingClientRect(), n = i.top, a = i.bottom, o = i.left, r = i.right, s = v.extend({ tolerance: 0, viewport: w }, t), l = !1, d = s.viewport.jquery ? s.viewport : v(s.viewport); d.length "http://www.filgoal.com/" (console.warn("isInViewport: The viewport selector you have provided matches no element on page."), console.warn("isInViewport: Defaulting to viewport as window"), d = v(w)); var c, u, h, f = d.height(), p = d.width(), g = d[0].toString(); if (d[0] !== w && "[object Window]" !== g && "[object DOMWindow]" !== g) { var m = d[0].getBoundingClientRect(); n -= m.top, a -= m.top, o -= m.left, r -= m.left, p -= y.scrollBarWidth = y.scrollBarWidth "http://www.filgoal.com/" (c = d, h = v("http://www.filgoal.com/").css({ width: "100%" }), c.append(h), u = c.width() - h.width(), h.remove(), u) } return s.tolerance = ~~Math.round(parseFloat(s.tolerance)), s.tolerance < 0 && (s.tolerance = f + s.tolerance), r <= 0 "http://www.filgoal.com/" p <= o ? l : l = s.tolerance ? n <= s.tolerance && a >= s.tolerance : 0 < a && n <= f } v.fn.do = function (e) { return console.warn("isInViewport: .do is deprecated as it causes issues in IE and some browsers since it's a reserved word. Use $.fn.run instead i.e., $(el).run(fn)."), t(e) }, v.fn.run = t; var n = function (e) { if (e) { var t = e.split(","); return 1 === t.length && isNaN(t[0]) && (t[1] = t[0], t[0] = void 0), { tolerance: t[0] ? t[0].trim() : void 0, viewport: t[1] ? v(t[1].trim()) : void 0 } } return {} }; v.extend(v.expr[":"], { "in-viewport": v.expr.createPseudo ? v.expr.createPseudo(function (t) { return function (e) { return y(e, n(t)) } }) : function (e, t, i) { return y(e, n(i[3])) } }), v.fn.isInViewport = function (i) { return this.filter(function (e, t) { return y(t, i) }) } }(jQuery, window), $(document).ready(function () { refreshLazyLoaded() }), $(document).on("images.updated", function () { refreshLazyLoaded() }), function (n, e, t, i) { var a = "slideIt", o = { items: 3, parent: "http://www.filgoal.com/" }; function r(e, t) { this.element = e, this.options = n.extend({}, o, t), this._defaults = o, this.$parent = n(this.element).parent(), this._name = a, this._total = 0, this._height = 45, this._gutter = 50, this._gutter_expand = 100, this.toggle = 0, this.isRunning = 0, this.itemHeight = 0, this.isprimary = !0, this.evm = n.evm(), this.champions = {}, this.cIndex = 0, this.canstart = !1, this.init() } r.prototype = { init: function () { var e = this; this._total = n(this.element).find("li").length, this.item = n.getSize(n(this.element).find("li:eq(0)")[0]), "BODY" != n(this.options.parent).parent()[0].nodeName && (this.isprimary = !1), "fgcontent" == n(this.options.parent).parent().attr("id") && (this.isprimary = !0), this.item ? (this._height = this.item.outerHeight, this.toggle = 0, this.isRunning = 1, this.canstart = !1, this._total > this.options.items && (this.canstart = !0, e.$parent.find(“#all_matches_lnk”).show()), this._total < this.options.items ? this.isprimary ? n(this.element).parent().stop().animate({ height: 100 }, 400, function () { n(".lglazy").isInViewport({ viewport: e.$parent }).run(function () { n(this).activeView("lglazy") }) }) : this.canstart = !0 : this.isprimary ? this._total >= this.options.items && e.expand() : this.canstart = !0) : (this.isprimary && n(this.element).parent().stop().animate({ height: “100px” }), e.$parent.find(“#all_matches_lnk”).hide(), this.destroy()), this.canstart && this.start(), n(this.element).css(“display”, “inline-block”) }, start: function () { var i = this; if (i.isprimary ? (n(i.element).parent().parent().find(“#match_more_btn”).length && n(i.element).parent().parent().find(“#match_more_btn”).remove(), n(this.element).parent().append(‘
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“), i.cIndex++) }, expand: function () { var e = this; return 0 == e.toggle ? (e.toggle = 1, e.$parent.find(“#all_matches_lnk”).removeClass(“expand”), e.$parent.find(“#match_more_btn svg”).removeClass(“active”), this.isprimary && (n(e.element).parent().stop().animate({ height: e.options.items * e._height + e._gutter }, 400, function () { n(“.lglazy”).isInViewport({ viewport: e.$parent }).run(function () { n(this).activeView(“lglazy”) }) }), n(e.element).find(“li:gt(” + (parseInt(e.options.items) – 1) + “)”).css(“visibility”, “hidden”)), n(e.element).removeClass(“opened”)) : (e.toggle = 0, e.$parent.find(“#match_more_btn svg”).addClass(“active”), n(e.element).addClass(“opened”), n(e.element).parent().stop().animate({ height: e._total * e._height + e._gutter_expand }, 400, function () { n(e.element).find(“li:gt(” + (parseInt(e.options.items) – 1) + “)”).css(“visibility”, “visible”), e.$parent.find(“#all_matches_lnk”).addClass(“expand”), n(“.lglazy”).isInViewport({ viewport: e.$parent }).run(function () { n(this).activeView(“lglazy”) }) })), !1 }, destroy: function () { n(this.element).find(“li”).css(“visibility”, “visible”), n(this.element).parent().parent().find(“#match_more_btn”).remove(), this.$parent.find(“#all_matches_lnk”).removeClass(“active”).removeClass(“expand”).appendTo(this.$parent.parent()), this.isRunning = 0 }, running: function () { return 1 == this.isRunning } }, n.fn[a] = function (e) { return this.each(function () { n.data(this, “plugin_” + a) ? n(this).data(“plugin_” + a).init() : n.data(this, “plugin_” + a, new r(this, e)) }) } }(jQuery, window, document), function (u, e) { “use strict”; var t = {}; u.fn.matchwidget = function (e) { if (0 === this.length) return this; if (1 < this.length) return this.each(function () { u(this).matchwidget(e) }), this; var i, n, a, o, r = {}, s = u.evm(), l = -1, d = (u.extend(!0, {}, t, e), 0), c = u(this); return r.init = function () { i = c.find("ul").clone(), c.find("ul").remove(), c.append("
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